Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Standard JPEG compression

Ok, I'll try to contact the driver developer.
Thank you for your answer !

On 4/23/06, Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com > wrote:
Le dimanche 23 avril 2006 à 17:52 +0200, Luc Saillard a écrit :
> > From: François-Xavier Busch < fx busch gmail com>
> > Subject: [GnomeMeeting-list] Standard JPEG compression
> > Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 12:53:08 +0000
> > I'm using Ubuntu Dapper and I have a webcam that I want to use with Ekiga.
> > I found the driver here :, I think
> > it's the OV519 and it uses standard jpeg compression.
> > Ekiga doesn't seem to support standard jpeg compression... Do you plan to
> > support it ?
> Hi,
> Ekiga support the jpeg format but only using driver that use the v4l2
> interface. Why ? because in v4l1, a very small set of format is supported.
> I've look the sample code, and to request a jpeg stream, the application
> select RGB24. To support this camera, we will need to:
>   - add a new method to detect this camera in the plugin v4l1. This can't be
>     done without some access to the hardware.
>   - add code to a already deprecated API (v4l1 will be removed soon from the
>     kernel).
> Why not ask the main driver developper to add support for v4l2 API ? Your
> camera will already be supported by Ekiga and a lot of other application.
> So ... in my opinion i'll not spend my time on this case for a deprecated
> feature. Sorry

And in my opinion, you are right.

We need to invest in V4L2, not anymore in V4L1.
_      Damien Sandras
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