[GnomeMeeting-list] Call broken w/ silence detection


I have today found a strange problem when calling over SIP between two
ekigas: after some time, one direction of the call ceased to work.
I have tried to use different codecs (at least three different ones),
but it was still the same. We have both called 500 ekiga net, and the
calls have been OK even after 3+ minutes.

	Then I have found that I have enabled the silence detection
in my Preferences. After disabling the silence detection I am able
to call my peer and the call does not crash even after 10 minutes.
Is it a known problem?



| Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak  <kas at {fi.muni.cz - work | yenya.net - private}> |
| GPG: ID 1024/D3498839      Fingerprint 0D99A7FB206605D7 8B35FCDE05B18A5E |
| http://www.fi.muni.cz/~kas/    Journal: http://www.fi.muni.cz/~kas/blog/ |
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