Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] TURN and ICE for NAT traversal

On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 09:17:46 +0100
Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> wrote:

> Le jeudi 24 mars 2005 à 18:33 -0500, Ariel Pablo Topasso a écrit :
> >Hello Gnomemeeting community,
> >
> >  Did you heard about ICE and TURN protocols? The last one is still
> >RFC draft but it seems to be about to reach Standard Track status. ICE
> >lets two clients negotiate the best way to circumvent the NAT problem
> >(STUN, or TURN if there is symmetric NAT). I guarantees that the call
> >will be established only if an audio path can be setup, which is nice.
> >
> >  Is there any plan of incorporating this into Gnomemeeting? (after
> >SIP, of course :-)
> >
> After SIP, yes, why not if it is suitable. Craig is actually the guy who
> has done the NAT support in openh323, so perhaps he will comment about
> this. I know he has plans to redesign the whole system.

TURN is basically SIP + extra stuff.

If we can get a TURN server setup somewhere, adding TURN support to
PWLib (and hence to OpenH323/OPAL and hence to GM) should be fairly easy.

I don't know anything about ICE.


 Craig Southeren      craigs postincrement com / craigs voxgratia org

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