Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] GM Problem


0.98 is very old. Without the error message, nobody can help you.

Do you know that fedora core 1 has a ready-to-use GnomeMeeting? 
It seems you are relatively new with Linux, I strongly recommend you to
use pre-made packages with binaries instead of source compilation.

Good luck!

Le samedi 22 janvier 2005 à 11:54 +0530, asharma a écrit :
> Hello all,
>     I am really bugged up with the GM-0.98 source code while compiling
> it... It gives me the errors in the ptlib source code andthat too
> seems to be irrelevant..... 
>  Can you please tell me what are the acceptable packages for OPenH323,
> GK, GM, PWLib,ptlib, gcc, GTK etc for setting video conferencing with
> their sources. I am using FEDORA CORE -1
> Thanks,
> Ashutosh Sharma
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