Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Re: Suse 9.2 packages?

On Thu, 03 Feb 2005 21:27:41 +0000
Mark Hellman <markhellman techie com> wrote:

> Steve wrote:
> > Is there anyone who can make some Suse 9.2 packages? I
> > know you are busy volunteers...
> GnomeMeeting 1.2 came out on 2004-12-12 and, according to the website, SuSE
> 9.2 packages were "coming soon". Now, almost two months later, SuSE 9.2
> packages still are not available...
> On the other hand, Skype 1.0 was released 2 days ago. On the same day it was
> released, packages for SuSE, Mandrake, Fedora, and a static binary were
> made available. Don't be surprised if Skype is getting more and more
> popular...

Let's just think about what you are saying.

Skype is a company with dozens of employees, that was founded by a guy
who made millions out of the Internet boom a few years ago. The company
has additional venture capital funding and continues to earn revenue
through the Skype-out service. They have a closed protocol, and closed
source client, and they have no published schedule so they are free to
change what they want, when they want to do it.

GnomeMeeting is created by a team of volunteers. The people who work on
it get paid nothing, it earns no revenue for them, and has no funding
from anyone, other than from the very pockets of the people who work on
it. GnomeMeeting is constrained by being compatible with the millions of
the H.323 (and soon SIP) terminals already deployed, as well as having
to work with the Gnome release schedule, and the OpenH323 release

So it is no suprise that Skype can roll out stuff faster than the
GnomeMeeting team. Who-da thunk....

Look at it another way. Do you think that the people that work on
GnomeMeeting don't know what you are saying? Don't you think it is
infinitely more frustrating for them than it could ever be for you?

If you want to help address this problem, then step up to the plate and
offer to create some Suse packages yourself. Or offer to test them if
someone else does. 

But please don't make statements like this. At best, you are declaring
yourself an insensitive clod. At worst, you are demotivating the very
people who could solve the problem. 


 Craig Southeren      craigs postincrement com / craigs voxgratia org

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