Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Gnomemeeting can't open /dev/video0

Probably an idea to solve your problem: I had camserv running and 
blocking /dev/dis0 on my Kanotix 2005-02. The symptoms where exactly the same 
as with you: recognized the USB mike but not the video - not really much 
information from error messages.

I had to cancel camserv and then Gnomemeeting worked just fine.

Am Montag, 25. April 2005 21:14 schrieb Sami Kiiskila:
> Hello
> What might be the problem with my setup ?
> I installed ubuntu and tried the gnomemeeting that came with it.
> Seemed to work but without video, it even found the microphone
> on the usb webcamera.
> So I compiled the required driver (spca5xx) for this webcamera (Labtec).
> It needed some development libraries as expected but I got it done.
> I also compiled the spcaview-tool which displays the video correctly.
> But gnomemeeting is not able to use the video. When I select the V4L2
> plugin and try to open the wiev from own camera I get and error window
> about "not able to open /dev/video0 , check permissions".
> I have checked the permissions several times, finally turned
> them to 777 even tried to run gnomemeeting as root ... nothing helped.
> There aren't other video devices than video0, and it works fine
> with spcaview.
> When gnomemeetin is trying to open the device the green led on the
> camera flashes couple of times and then this error window appears.
> The led flashes also when I start spcaview so it seems to indicate that
> gnomemeeting is having some communication going on with the camera.
> And this is the interesting point, this same hardware (pc and camera)
> worked earlier with vector linux, gnomemeeting and spca5xx driver.
> So where to try to find the problem? What is the most probable cause,
> is it ubuntu, wrong version of gnomemeeting or wrong version of
> spca5xx driver?
> I tried strace to see where the program fails but it didn't helped much,
> do you know any diagnostics programs that dump the video ioctl calls
> that are being transmitted to a device?

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