Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] longrun GM

Le mercredi 20 avril 2005 à 18:43 +0900, Yoriaki FUJIMORI a écrit :
> First of all, thanks for your responce.
> (1) I started testing 1.2, but it crashed on one of our PCs,
> so that we are not yet ready to switch to 1.2 from 1.1.
> This is why I am still using 1.1.

I'm not sure having 1.2.1 crashing is normal, you should have sent a

> (2) The symptom is that when I run GM on KDE with autostart
> setting for a particular user on the remote site, I can call
> to that PC for a while, but sooner or later---for a few dys or a week,
> the remote side, so suddenly, cannot pick up incoming call.

What do you mean by "cannot pick up incoming call"? That it doesn't
receive the incoming call? That there is a popup but that you can not
click on it? That there is no popup? That you can establish the call,
but that it can not open the soundcard? That you can establish the call,
that it can open the soundcard, but that no sound is sent?

If you are not more precise, it is impossible to help you
troubleshooting the problem.

> At first, I set up onboard intel ICH4, and then switched to usb-audio
> (Phillips psc805?).  A similar situation took place with usb audio.
> As for usb audio, I read in one of Japanese URLs, that usb audio stops
> functioning properly (no sound) when run for a long time.
> (3) I try to control the remote PC, but until a cold reboot is made,
> it does not work.
> (4) Some of my wish lists:
>  (a) It is desirable that GM can be invoked in the batch mode with
>     options from the shell.  Maybe 1.2 is less dependent on
>     gconf, but as far as 1.1 is concerned some of setting for GM are
>     not saved properly, I guess.  Often the volume level on the panel
>     of GM is 0 level.  I want to stop this.

If they are at 0, that is because some process resets them to 0. It is
not a preference, when GM starts the call, it reads the current value
and updates the sliders. Now, there could be a bug, remember you are
using a CVS version that was never released. CVS versions have bugs, of
course, that is normal.

>  (b) GM1.2 shows side-by-side videos, instead of big remote-small local
>     videos.    A big side-by-side view is really too big.

You can set it up to display big remote/small local, that is accessible
from the View menu.

>  (c) Manipulating with mice is not easy for aged people.  But, they can
>     use arrow keys, for example.
> Thanks for your attention.
> yoriaki fujimori
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