Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Re: Ideas for a new GUI

On Monday 18 April 2005 11.03, Jan Schiefer wrote:
>  > That's right, and would you hide the video part when there is no video
> >
> > or would you keep it open all the time like it is now?
> I would hide it when there is no video.
> But at least I would display some message ( maybe in the status bar )
> that there is no video to receive.
> Greetings,
> Jan Schiefer!
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> GnomeMeeting-list mailing list
> GnomeMeeting-list gnome org

Or add a "display caller picture" ála AMSN. 
ie. let the user be able to display a miniature picture for the person 
calling. Either choose an arbitrary one or let GM send your own "preferred 
one" set in some configureable menu. As it is now we can choose a picture to 
"send" when we aren't in video call, why not set that per caller basis?



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