[GnomeMeeting-list] pc2phone calls without any strange hardware

Hello.. I'm a gnomemeeting user.. ..really a "very"
user, as my girl live in an other country.

I'm just wandering why you implemented a solution that
require to buy a strange harware to make pc2phone
calls.. how many paople will do that?? Look skype.. u
have just to make some clicks, give valuabe money from
yr credit card and that's all, u are ok!

I feel little suspicious to use private, proprietary
apps.. expecially when they implement proprietary

I think that the possibility to make pc2phone calls
using open standards like the ones used in
gnomemeeting would both make benefit the project of
some important resources and keep away the ghosts of
new monopolly.


Antonello Lobianco
Universita' Politecnica delle Marche
Dip. di Economia
P.le martelli 8, 60121 Ancona
lobianco dea unian it
antonello lobianco org

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