Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] SuSE 9.2 + pwc

Hi Pablo!

Short Answer: You can get it running. But I suppose it might be useful for you to know the background of the whole thing. The author of the pwc-driver hat an NDA with Philips, so the driver itself could be described as a two part software: One part with code under the GPL, the other part was the binary driver (so no source code available for this part). The responsable maintainers of the Kernel didn´t want no more binary code it in (especially for the "wrapper" - which made it bossible to execute binary code), so they kicked the wrapper out (as far as I followed the whole discussion). The pwc-developer answered quite direct: He said that end-users didn´t care about the discussion in the background, they just want to get their hardware working. And after all, the device itself is Philips intellectual property, so they have the right to do whatever they want with the code - in this case, Philips decided not to release the driver under the GPL (which means source code in this context), but to give someone the opportunity to do it via an NDA (Non disclosure agreement - which means that the author gets details about the interna from philips, but isn´t allowed to tell anybody about them).
But the question which remains is: How to get the Webcam working? I just 
googled around and (as I have heard about a news solution), I found this:
This is the new solution which doesn´t seem to need the binary part of the old solution any more. On this page, it´s described for a Logitech Webcam Pro 4000, but all other webcams from the old pwc should be supported (I think).
I hope that you understand that I think it was neccessary to explain the 
background of the pwc - and that I helped you!

Pablo Ortúzar schrieb:

I have SuSE 9.2 installed, with an idle Philips ToUcam Pro webcam. Kernel is 2-6-8 -24. I believe I read somewhere that the pwc module is indeed there, in the kernel: should this be true, does anyone know how to get it working? Thanks.

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