Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Re: Re: gnomemeeting 1.0 on SUSE 9.0

Le ven, 12/03/2004 à 21:25 +0100, philipp sutter a écrit :

> thank you for your hint. now i can start gnomemeeting and i had success
> to call two people on my problem is now, that i cannot
> see nore hear them, but they saw and heared me. 
> i have "enable video transmission".

That's why they are seeing you. Have you enabled video reception? Are
you sure they are well-configured? Are you sure they are sending video?
Are you sure your card is well full-duplex? Are you sure the audio druid
test was successful?

> in the faq i found that the reason for this problem is a misconfiguered
> NAT/PAT gateway. but I have no router and i turned off my firewall.

What is your local IP?

> has anybody a hint, how i can solve my problem?

The FAQ tells more than that, please, can you tell us what you have done
and tested? See the above questions.

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