Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Re: Building Gnomemeeting

Damien Sandras wrote:

Le lun, 28/06/2004 à 13:37 -0500, Peter Robinson a écrit :

Hi Damien,

I'm not on the list so emailing it straight to you.

I'm playing around building the latest openh323/pwlib/gnomemeeting on FC1
as sort of upgrades to the RH specific builds.

GM 1.0.2 doesn't really want to build against the lastest 1.7.3/1.14.2
pwlib/openh323 libs. Looking in the FAQ I should be able to but it

Well the FAQ states this :
"However, there is absolutely no guarantee that new versions of the
OpenH323 and PWlib libraries will work perfectly with non-CVS
GnomeMeeting versions. The best is to use the libraries versions
provided on the GnomeMeeting website."

And the FAQ is right :-)

complains. Also went to get the CVS snapshot assuming they would work but
couldn't find it in the download page linked to in the FAQ. The gm1.0.2
source is ther but can't find the CVS ver.


Is there another location for the CVS ver?

See the above URL, or the GNOME CVS.

Also are you planning the 1.1 dev series?

I don't know yet, we are building daily CVS snapshots for a wide range
of distributions, but we have nobody to build RedHat and Fedora RPMs.

If I have time tomorrow so will I uppgrade my system so that I can
make fedora 2 rpm's.


We can bomb the world to pieces but we can't bomb it into peace
- Michael Franti & Spearhead
Peter Robinson             Online Travel Log:
EM: peter roving-it com                MSN: peter roving-it com


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