Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Multiple connections.

HI Rikard,

Am Sa, den 17.01.2004 schrieb Rikard Johnels um 01:40:
> I must confess, i havent followed ALL threads on this lits...

having read a few would have been enough (answering this question is
pretty well rehursed - but at least we don't forget this way *g*)

> So sorry if this is a "FAQ"...


> How do i connect my GM to talk to several Win-NetMeetings at the same time?
> I want to be able to talk to several ppl at the same time.
> Not neccecarily in the same "room" (A little like the new MSN does, Several 
> chats one cam)

check for hints on MCU (like openmcu or Polycom)

Best regards,

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