Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Using mozilla firebird with callto: and h323: urls

Malcolm Caldwell wrote:


I just thought I would let people here know:

Using the MozillaFirebird browser and the mozex exstension
( I can now launch gnomemeeting for h323: and
callto: urls!  According to the doco it will work with regular mozilla
as well.

I simply installed mozex, and then configured gnomemeeting as the
universal url handler, listing h323 and callto as the list of protocol

I tried with my mozilla 1.5-3 from debian unstable. I put <Schemes: h323,callto> and <command: /usr/bin/gnomemeeting> in mozex preferences, restart mozilla but always get h323 or callto protocol not registred if I try h323://user or callto://user domain The same if I just put h323:user. Am I doing something wrong or it's not working with last mozilla version? Had someone else tried with mozilla?

:  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ __  daniel huhardeaux tootai com
: /_____// __  // __  //_____// __  // / phone.: +48 32 285 5276
:  / /  / /_/ // /_/ /  / /  / /_/ // / fax....: +48 32 285 5276
: /_/  /_____//_____/  /_/  /_/ /_//_/ mobile..: +48 602 284 546

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