Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] GnomeMeeting / NetMeeting Voice Codec Problems

Hi Dierk,

> Then I switched to GnomeMeeting under Suse Linux 9.0. I could not get
> a voice connection working using these two codecs (GSM and Speex).

Speex for Win32 is ACM and currently has no MS-Speex in OpenH323 as
equivalent. The Speex from GnomeMeeting doesn't get encoded as WAV
header and therefore cannot be used with NetMeeting.

Be sure to "Reorder" your codecs so that the MS-GSM is on top of the
list for NetMeeting, then you should be able to select "MS-GSM" for
GnomeMeeting and "GSM-06.10" for NetMeeting (given that MS-GSM is above
G711 priority in GnomeMeeting too)

Best regards,

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