Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Enforcing half-duplex?

Le sam 07/02/2004 à 00:12, Conrad Beckert a écrit :
> Pardon for jumping in ;-)
> >>Something that mutes the local speakers if the level
> on the mic is above a given level with respect to
> what's received from peer and mutes the mic
> otherwise?<<
> It should be possible to cancel the echos: As the PC
> "knows" what it sent to the speakers it should be able
> to subtract exactly that from the stream it recieves
> from the microphone. (delayed a couple of microseconds
> - the time the sound travels from the speakers to the
> microphone + signal delay in the sound card) 
> Doesn't Gnomemeeting, or OpenH323 rather, already have
> such a feature? I have no problems with feedback
> interference. 

It is foreseen after 1.00 to have echo cancellation. The problem with
that kind of algorithm is that it consumes a lot of CPU if you want high
quality. But we have plans about that, yes.

> Conrad
> PS: Another solution is get a decent microphone (or a
> couple of them if it's a meeting room) with respective
> acoustic characteristics and keep them out of the beam
> of the speaker. 
> CB
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