Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] BTTV driver problems

Am Montag, 2. Februar 2004 06:50 schrieb Chris:
> I am running gnomemeeting 0.98.5 in debian unstable.
> Just wondering if anyone is having similar weird problems.
> Everything was working well in Kernel 2.4.22 but i install 2.4.24
> kernel and start having video device problems. My video device being a
> video camera plugged into a WinFAST 2000 TV and video capture card.

> It came back with color-format error. On the advice as given in the
> error I changed the color format values. But no matter what I changed it
> to i could not get it to work. So it looked like 2.4.22 was the kernel
> for me.
> Anyway... recently i decided 2.6.1 would be a nice idea as I could then
> use the ALSA drivers for my sound card.
> Still problems with this kernel:
> gnomemeeting fails to open then video device.
> xawtv fails also unless i do "xawtv -c /dev/video0" then it works fine.
> Upon doing this gnomemeeting now works perfectly fine and opens the
> video device everytime with no problem until i next reboot.
> Has anyone had similar problems?

Is is using the Philips saa7134 chipset? I recognized the same problem 
recently (I reboot my computer only every one or two weeks ...), maybe it has 
something to do with the v4l2-v4l1 compat layer. Unfortunately I have no time 
to investigate further at the moment, maybe in two or three weeks ...


Stefan Brüns  /  Kastanienweg 6 - Zimmer 1206  /  52074 Aachen
mailto:lurch gmx li
   phone: +49 241 169-4206     mobile: +49 160 7532733 

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