[GnomeMeeting-list] Cant start the GUI

Trying to start GM

rikjoh sparhawk:~> gnomemeeting

** (gnomemeeting:5096): WARNING **: Permission denied locking 

But nothing appears. Nothing at all.
ps ax returns (among other things)

5096 pts/2    S      0:01 gnomemeeting
 5098 pts/2    S      0:00 /opt/gnome/lib/GConf/2/gconfd-2 16
 5100 ?        S      
0:00 /opt/gnome/lib/bonobo-activation/bonobo-activation-server --ac-activate 
What is wrong?



Rikard Johnels          email   : rikjoh norweb se
                        Web     : http://www.rikjoh.com
                        Mob     : +46 735 05 51 01
			PGP	: 0x461CEE56

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