Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] webcam conflicts with usb modem

Damien Sandras wrote:

Yes but does it also happen if the video transmission is disabled, but
video preview enabled?

it worked quite fine when i disabled the sound and video. i could hear
and see the other person;
The problem seems to appear as soon as i want to talk.

Anyway, the problem seems to be here:
Aug 23 19:18:42 avalon kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
Aug 23 19:18:42 avalon kernel: [Adi] Transmit timed out!

I think the problem is with the modem driver...
yes, probably. I upgraded the driver to the latest version.
It was a bit better but the driver went on crashing. Maybe I will
have to buy an ethernet modem ?  :(
Has anyone the same problems with this kind of modem (sagem fast 800) ?

Or is there a way to tell GM no to upload too much information,
so that the driver can handle this ?
( I have an ADSL connection, 1024k/128k, i think this should
be enough ?)

ps: sorry for my poor english, i guess there must
be quite a lot of mistakes, and i hope you understand what i mean.

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