Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Philips camera support discontinued?

--- Anne Wilson <cannewilson tiscali co uk> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Thursday 26 Aug 2004 19:38, John Berger wrote:
> >
> >   I'll definitely sign it! I don't think it's right what the kernel
> > maintainers have done to him.
> >
> Apart from any other rights and wrongs, this seems to me to limit my choices,
> and I don't people telling me that I can't do something.  It's against all 
> that linux and open source are about.
> Anne

  My thoughts exactly. The driver has been in use for 3 years...if Philips (or
whoever) was going to scream 'foul' about their driver being in the GPL kernel,
surely they'd have done it by now I imagine. Besides, I've not seen many other
webcams that are as clean and clear or work as well as my Philips 740 (I know
there are some that do as well or better, but not many, and they're usually a
lot more expensive).


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