Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Mise à jour GnomeMeeting


Le lun, 19/04/2004 à 10:01 +0200, Jean-Marc Petit a écrit :
> Hi there,
> I'm including the following message as I have a problem that seems related 
> to that one.
> I'm trying to use gnome meeting on both a desktop computer with a VT8233 
> (AC97) audio card and an IBM Thinkpad A21p. Both are running RedHat 9.0 
> and the version of GnomeMeeting that comes with it, i.e. 0.96.0.

That is fairly outdated... We are at GnomeMeeting 1.0.2 now.

> On the desktop, I tried to start GnoemMeeting as a normal user and it 
> complained about a key that is not correct (0). So I started as root, and 
> it worked, up to a problem of audio (I'll come back to that latter).

Probably you have wrong permissions on the default GConf schemas (see

> On the laptop, I had the same problem at start up, and went to root, and 
> started the thing, and everything went right. Then I restarted 
> GnomeMeeting as normal user, and it worked. I did that several time, and 
> once, with no apparent reason, it did not start, complaining about that 
> key again. In the FAQ it is said that this is related to permissions of 
> some files, which I check thoroughly. They were all ok. Five minutes 
> latter I restarted GnomeMeeting, and this time it worked. So, without 
> doing anything, I went from "work" to "don't work" to "work". What is 
> exactly going on ?

Probably a GConf bug on RedHat 9.

> Back to the audio problem. On the desktop I have the sound card working 
> fine, at least for output: I can listen to CDs or watch DVDs. When I go to 
> configure audio, GnomeMeeting only display /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer for 
> audio player and recorder and audio player mixer and recorder mixer 
> respectively. When I try the "test audio" button, it complain that it 
> can't open the device /dev/dsp, although I'm superuser, and the 
> protections are ok, I checked them. That was the end of my tests on the 
> desktop.

Check that no other software is using them (lsof /dev/dsp). Also make
sure your problem is not "it can open for playing but not for recording
or vice-versa" which woudl indicate a full-duplex problem (and the need
to install ALSA).

> On the Thinkpad, I had the same reduced set of devices available, but the 
> audio test worked fine with the internal microphone. I started to play 
> with it, but the sound level received at the other end of the connectin 
> was rather low, regardless of all the settings I could do on my side. And 
> at some point, when going through the configuration druid, I was offered 
> /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp1, and /dev/mixer and /dev/mixer1. So for the 
> recorder, I choose /dev/dsp1 and /dev/mixer1. It worked much better. The 
> sound level was much higher, both during the test and at the other end of 
> a connection. The nest time I tried GnomeMeeting again, dsp1 and mixer1 
> had disappeared. Play with plugging and unplugging the video, external 
> mike before or after launching GnomeMeeting, I managed to have it re-offer 
> me dsp1 and mixer1. But It's not reproductible.

That's a bug of your distribution. Probably the module offering dsp1 and
mixer1 is not loaded. Nothing GnomeMeeting can do about.

> So the question is: how does GnomeMeeting decide which devices it can use 
> and it will propose for configuration ?

It looks for the list of possible devices, and tries to open them. If it
fails, then it doesn't add the device as "usable".

> By the way, the video always works fine on the laptop, aas soon as I plug 
> the WebCam.
> Finally, a different question: I did my test with a colleague who is using 
> a Mac PowerBook. She was running OHphoneX on her Mac, and could see me and 
> hear me, no problem. And I could see her, but not hear her. From the view 
> meter on GnomeMeeting and from the OHphoneX log, it seems that the Mac 
> never sent any audio packet. Ever seen that problem ?

Yes that's frequent. Either you are Natted and misconfigured, or she
doesn't have a full-duplex soundcard and then the problem is on her

Now I really suggest you to use ALSA and upgrade GnomeMeeting:

> Thanks for your help, Jean-Marc Petit
> On Mon, 19 Apr 2004, Isabelle et Patrice wrote:
> > Bonjour,
> > 
> > Je suis Novice dans l'utilisation de Linux.
> > 
> > Dés que j'ai branché ma WebCam (Creative Vidéo Blaster Plus), 
> > GnomeMeeting c'est déclenché et j'en fus très heureux.
> > Malheureusement je n'arrive pas à configurer la partie Audio.
> > Malheureusement ma version ne reconnaît pas mon circuit audio VT8233 
> > (contrôleur audio type AC97)
> > et reste bloqué sur Lecteur: dev/sound/dsp
> > Mixeur lecture; dev/mixer, Enregistrement: dev/soun/dsp, Mixeur 
> > enregistrement: dev/mixer
> > Le test audio bug et je ne peux pas changer ces paramètres.
> > J'ai téléchargé la mise à jour et tous les plugins mais je n'arrive pas 
> > à les installer.
> > 
> > Comment puis je m'en sortir.
> > 
> > La langue Anglaise n'est pas mon ami et je le regrette.
> > 
> > Merci de bien vouloir m'aider
> > 
> > Houaïlou
> > Nouvelle Calédonie
> > igdpdg canl nc
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > GnomeMeeting-list mailing list
> > GnomeMeeting-list gnome org
> >
> > 
> -- 
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