Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] RedHat 7.3 spec files for GnomeMeeting 0.91-1, OpenH323 and PWLIB?

Chris Rankin wrote:

However, if someone has SRPMs for gnomemeeting 0.9-1,
along with SRPMs for compatible pwlib and openh323,
then it would still be much appreciated.
This is a suggestion, because I think it will be hard for someone to
have such an old version ( at least there is no sign of it on the net... )

Maybe Damien still has the sources for that version and if you can get
a close enough src.rpm maybe it is not too hard to change things in the
spec file to make it work ( of course it would have to be done for pwlib
and openh323 as well )   ;-)

Good luck and if there is something I can help with, let me know .

Joćo Pedro

__ __ _| |__| |_|.| . @ Red Hat Linux version 9
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