Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] libbonoboui- compilation error

Le lun 08/09/2003 à 11:24, Ubaldi Fabio a écrit : 
> I'm trying to compile the packet in the subject (required to properly
> compile gnomemeeting 0.98, I'm using the KDE interface), and I am
> getting the following errors:
> bonobo-canvas-component.c:263: parse error before  
> What is the cause of these compilation errors? How can it be solved?

1. you should send text mails, html isn't good;
2. parse errors like that are generally caused by a missing header: I
guess you don't have dependancies right;
3. why don't you install a binary package? There's a reason why they're
made: compiling things is such a hassle... and you didn't even touch
openh323&pwlib now...
4. good luck.

Snark on #gnomemeeting

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