Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] GM-0.96 install dependencies

Well, Dennis if you read my post again (it's down below ) you will see
that glibc-debug was already on the system .That is wy I don't understand
this situation - it is asking for something an installed library provides .
And if I understood correctly you had it installed in RH8, right?
I'm going to try an rpm --refresh to see if it solves something .

And yes, RH8 has gcc-3.2-7

Thank you both, Dennis and Fabrice

Dennis Gilmore wrote:

That dependancy is provided by glibc-debug-2.2.93-5 so you will need to
install that first.   Im using 0.96.0  no problems here.  on RH 80  need
to build for my phoebe box yet though.


On Sat, 2003-02-01 at 00:26, Fabrice Alphonso wrote:
Le ven 31/01/2003 à 14:00, Fabrice Alphonso a écrit :
Le ven 31/01/2003 à 13:35, João Pedro a écrit :
On RedHat 8 I tried to install gnomemeeting-0.96 and got this
dependency which I don't know how to deal with :

[root peterpan GM]# rpm -Uvvh pwlib-1.4.7-3.i386.rpm openh323-1.11.2-3 gnomemeeting-0.96.0-2.i386.rpm


error: Failed dependencies: is needed by pwlib-1.4.7-3

I have installed :

[root peterpan GM]# rpm -qa | grep glibc-
i guess the problem comes from the fact that pwlib openh323 and GM have
been built with gcc 3.2.X and that your glibc has been compiled with and
older version of gcc (2.9X)
packager for Red Hat could confirm this
hmm after a quick discussion on the channel with someone running RH8, it
seems that RH8 uses a glibc linked against it seems my
answer wasn't the good one....:/
if someone else see a solution to this problem feel free to propose.
and glibc-debug-2.2.93-5 contains a file /usr/lib/debug/ but ,
in fact it's just a link to /usr/lib/debug/ .

Tried to look for glibc-2.3.2 but couldn't find it anywhere in the net .
What am I missing here ?

hope i wasn't wrong in my diagnostic and that could help.
Thank you .



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