Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] compile problems / list problems

Le jeu 02/01/2003 à 21:49, Marc Williams a écrit :
> On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 14:26, Damien Sandras wrote:
> > 
> > No they don't.
> > The API is changing regularly.  We can only assure that the versions
> > provided on compile with the current release. If you
> > want to compile new things, I suggest you to compile openh323 and pwlib
> > CVS with GM CVS.
> I think that 1.4.6 and 1.11.1 *are* the current releases.  But you
> answered my question anyway.  I might just take you up on the cvs thing

You should have read: "We can only assure that the versions of OpenH323
provided on compile with the current release of
GnomeMeeting". Bad construction of the sentence ;)

> if there was any possibility of it solving a minor issue I'm having with
> 0.94.1:  

> When speaking with Netmeeting users, they claim that I always sound as
> if I'm speaking to them while driving on a bumpy gravel road.  Doesn't
> matter if their connection is 14.4, 28.8 or broadband, I always sound
> the same i.e. jittery.  My connection is a very fast ~2Mbps broadband. 
> They always sound fine to me.  Video is always turned off on both ends.
> Does that sound like anything that the cvs version might address?  Or is

I don't think so. It can be due to several things:
- if it also happens with GnomeMeeting users, then it must be an audio
driver issue.
- if it doesn't happen with GnomeMeeting users, then it is a codec
issue, make sure you are using MS-GSM and not G.711 which is not

> that a compatibility thing between the codecs of GM and NM that I'll
> just have to live with?

If they install or unlock MS-GSM, then the quality of the sound should
be perfect...

> Thanks!
> _______________________________________________
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Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com>

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