Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Compilation problems, and questions

fre 2003-08-15 klockan 21.18 skrev Kilian Krause:

> still i don't see how your problem is related to gnomemeeting, nor do i
> find a patch attached, we could use to fix upstream. 

It's not related to GM, I haven't even unpacked the tarball. The problem
is with pwlib/openh323!

But now take a look at this page:

Saying: "Sources packages by Damien Sandras" followed by links to the
source packages for pwlib/openh323/gnomemeeting. I got the impression
that those packages where *parts* of GM. Therefor I posted to this ML,
it was not a directed attempt to piss you of so try to relax!!!


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