RE: [GnomeMeeting-list] Connection problems

If it was upto me I would have the internet connection of the linux box but due to uncontrolable situations (insert wife here) the internet MUST (insert wife again) be on the Win98se machine and she has banned me from doing any upgrades since the last one nearly destroyed all her games. I also find it hard to believe that someone else hasn't had this problem come up. But I am working on it so I will let you know how I go.

-----Original Message-----
From: J.Pedro [mailto:jpedro vf netcabo pt]
Sent: Friday, 11 April 2003 08:13
To: gnomemeeting-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Connection problems

Kilian Krause wrote:

>Hi Jason,
>BJ> Is there anyone out there that uses gnomemeeting through a windows
>BJ> machine to connect to the net? Any help would be greatly
>BJ> appreciated.
>BJ> Anybody?????? It is getting frustrating.
>well, so far i don't know anyone who has worked out a working
>configuration with a windows box as NAT.. would be great if u could
>contribute yours once it's working ;)
And with so many linux router choices ( diskless or not ) it is really 
to use MS.Windows ( Mediocre System Windows )... but tastes are not
discussable !
I dought anyone on this list would even bother to think of such experience .
Anyway, all you have to do is read de Help on sharing internet connections
on your windows machine - all is explained there ( at least on the newer
windows versions - from Millenium on ).

Good luck .


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