Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Interfaces to Listen on (and Interfaces to not listen on)

Le jeu 05/09/2002 à 21:22, Patrick Fromberg a écrit :
> Hi there,
> Im using gnomemeeting successfully for quite a while. Now I want to 
> install a gatekeeperproxy to enable a second machine to do voip.
> So the gatekeeperproxy on the first machine shall listen on intefaces 
> ppp0, eth0 and lo while
> gnomemeeting shall listen to the (lo)cal interface only.
> Is there a way to restrict gnomemeeting to listen on a specific 
> interface only? Otherwise, I woud have to install a third machine extra 
> for the gatekeeperproxy.

No it is not possible. I could add an option for that, but Im not sure
that you really need a third machine if it is not possible to restrict
the interface to listen on.
Perhaps you fear a port conflicts, but you can change the gnomemeeting
listening port if needed. Moreover I think there are no problems of
conflicting ports between the default GM and the default proxying
gatekeeper ports.
 (o-      SANDRAS Damien
 v_/_     Check Out Gnome Meeting !

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