Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] .94.1 segfaults

Le ven 25/10/2002 à 04:03, Marc Williams a écrit :
> Rats.  It did it again.  Segfaulted while in a chat.  Someone had
> mentioned to provide a backtrace.  Should I send that to someone or post
> it here?  Thanks.

Reading your mails again, and seeing the confusion when compiling
things, I still thing that you made something wrong, but it can also be
a new bug in 0.94.1 that we didn't detect.

But please:

- check that you compiled pwlib first, followed by openh323 and that
when you did so, there were no old includes and no old openh323/pwlib
libraries on the system

- check that when you compiled gnomemeeting, there were no old
openh323/pwlib includes in /usr/include or /usr/local/include and that
gnomemeeting used the right includes path that you specified with
--with-ptlib-includes, and --with-openh323-includes (it is needed, if
you didn't use those flags, it means that either you moved the new
headers into /usr/include using "mv", or that old headers were still
present when compiling)

- do a ldd /usr/bin/gnomemeeting, or ldd /usr/local/bin/gnomemeeting
(depending where you installed it), and that the correct libs for
openh323 and pwlib are listed.

I'm almost 90% sure it can be a bad compilation problem.

 _	Damien Sandras
(o-	GnomeMeeting:
//\	FOSDEM 2003:
	H.323 phone:  callto:// seconix com

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