Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] newbie on gnomemeeting

Le jeu 28/11/2002 à 17:02, AW a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm a newbie on gnomemeeting: :Sorry !
> I use the 0.85 version under RH 7.3.
> If I try to connnect with : LDAP/ils =
> I receive a message to "register" on seconix.
> I readed all informations on ! 

You probably missed that setting (I precise it in french, since you
write us from
Général -> Paramètres d'annuaires -> Permettre l'enregistrement
Général -> Paramètres d'annuaires -> Appliquer

> otherwise : is  gnomemeeting compatible with with netmeeting ?

You probably missed the question 2.2 of the faq, the one that asks just
that, and answers: yes.
If you look a little on the site, you should find a program that enables
a sound codec in netmeeting, too. (don't know which part of the faq)

Snark on #gnomemeeting
PUYDT Julien <julien puydt netpratique fr>

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