Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Gnome2 port + Windows port

Yay! I can contribute for once! About the MSN thing:

It's done through the same channels as the normal messaging (which has been 
reverse-engineered, <plug> and for which I develop the most popular library 
around, check it out</plug>). You just exchange messages of a different 
content-type, invitations to SIP chat. Yes, you do need to register with a 
central server, but the protocol is well-hacked by now :-)

By the way, i'm looking for voice chat capabilities for the MSN library - 
could you please give me the run-down on SIP?

Thanks a lot,

PS - if this message doesn't make the list, please could you forward it there!

On Saturday 04 May 2002 14:04, Damien Sandras wrote:
> On Sat, May 04, 2002 at 07:28:20PM +0200, Horacio Ferrero wrote:
> > I've a stupid question :
> >
> > To port GM into what for ?
> > The netmeeting is free of charge and is FULLY compatible with Netmeetings
> > also manages a certain amount of protocols..and it works fine
> Netmeeting is free of charge, but not "free"...
> And it has been discontinued.
> > It will be great to get GM "chatting" with netmeetings or MSN Messengers
> > as Odigo or other linux-based programs does. Some of these progs have
> > sources available...
> GnomeMeeting will be at the end, able to chat with H.323 software (like
> now), but also SIP software (like MSN Messenger, provided that we can have
> common codecs with MSN). Im not sure it is possible however. I think that
> MSN requires that you have an MSN account and register to some 3rd party
> server in order to be able to chat...
> I don't think it will be one day able to register to such a server if you
> don't user their application.
> If somebody has more details on this, mail me...
> Does Odigo use some standard protocol or does it use its own protocol?
> > Please, keep your guns away.....are only ideas not criticisms
> No problem :)
> I have no gun ;))
> > Truly yours
> > --
> > -------------------
> > Horacio
> > 33 6 85103509
> >
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MSN Developer, Everybuddy project

MSN:	blip109 hotmail com
AIM:	blip109
Yahoo:	modula7

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