[GnomeMeeting-list] Compiling Errors

I use the openh323 1.8 build number 8 and I have problems to compile gnomemeeting. The gnomemeeting with cvs -z3 checkout -D"Jul 2, 2002" gnomemeeting works fine.
The new one not, there are the following problems:
 rtpIpPortBase = 5000;
 /*rtpIpPort = rtpIpPortBase = 5000;*/
 rtpIpPortMax  = 5003;
 tcpPortBase = 30000;
 /*tcpPort = tcpPortBase = 30000;*/
 tcpPortMax = 30010;
I removed these variables because openh323 has't tcpPort, rtpIpPort anymore. I looked in the code. After I do this it compiles fine but I got:

/home/fuder/software/gnomemeeting/gnomemeeting/src/endpoint.cpp:649: undefined reference to `PIPSocket::GetInterfaceTable(PList<PIPSocket::InterfaceEntry> &)'

I read the code, maybe there are some changes in the GetInterfaceTable code.


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