Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Problem with gconf!

Results from adding that line to main_window.cpp were unexpected. Instead of
the simple "Please check your gconf settings and permissions, it seems that
gconf is not properly setup on your system" message window, I get...

1- the splash screen
2- in the console:
     GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:
     Could not open network socket.
     2002-03-28T11:36:46-0500  2002-03-28T11:36:46-0500
3- a message window "Application './gnomemeeting' (process 12867) has crashed
due to fatal eror. (Segmentation fault)

As I wrote, this is unexpected a result, because I didn't change anything else,
so if it was
  (gconf_test == NULL || strcmp (gconf_test, BUILD_ID))
before, it should be still now.

And it shouldn't, as you can see that both times are identical.
Actually, there is one difference: I run this one from the current directory
(/home/pci2103/gmeeting/src), where otherwise I ran the earlier version from
/home/pci2103/ or from the path (/opt/gnome/bin).

Is there any type of racing issue with GM? I remember with an earlier version
that I had to add a sleep(2) in what has become now gnomemeeting.cpp if I
wanted to add some code elsewhere (mostly in main_window.cpp).

BTW, I use gcc 2.95.3, and ld right out of a standard Suse7.3


--- Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 19:20, Guilhem Tardy wrote:
> > 
> > Your configuration looks the same as mine.
> > 
> > > You can try to get the key manually and see if it corresponds to the
> > > date/time of build :
> > > gconftool --get "/apps/gnomemeeting/general/gconf_test" --type=string
> > 
> > This gives me:
> >   [root farquaad]# gconftool --get "/apps/gnomemeeting/general/gconf_test"
> >   2002-03-28T11:36:46-0500
> > 
> > How can I make sure that at least this value is OK?
> >   [root farquaad]# d /opt/gnome/bin/gnomemeeting
> >   -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      2719408 Mar 28 11:38
> /opt/gnome/bin/gnomemeeting*
> > 
> It seems to be correct...
> Try to edit main_window.cpp :
>    if (gconf_test == NULL || strcmp (gconf_test, BUILD_ID)) {
> just before, add a :
> cout << gconf_test << "  " << BUILD_ID << endl << flush;
> and check if the values are the same.
> Another thing is that there is a bug in Gconf2 that breaks with some
> locales. You can try export LC_ALL=C before launching GM.
> If gconftool --get works, GM must work!
> Im leaving in 20 minutes, but if you want help, please try to come on
> #gnomemeeting,, now. Thanks.
> -- 
>   _
>  (o-      SANDRAS Damien
>  //\      
>  v_/_     Check Out Gnome Meeting !

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