[GnomeMeeting-list]CVS changes

here are the latest changes from CVS.
This Week-End I also recoded the entire website in PHP (it is still not uploaded), to permit
an easy update of the news page, FAQ, ... and an automatic update based on directory content for
the screenshots and downloads page.

It will now be easier to update the website.

I had no answer to my question : did some of you tested CVS and more particularly the video
bandwidth limitation ?

Thanks for all info.

2001-11-04  Damien Sandras  <dsandras seconix com>

	* src/preferences.*: Changed the policy, the window is no more
	created / destroyed, but shown / hidden. Changed a lot of things
	to make the preferences window resizeable. 
	* src/main.cpp, src/main_interface.cpp: Made several changes to
	support the shown / hidden behavior.
	* src/ldap.cpp: Fixed bug when trying to browse while the specified
	server is an empty string.
	* src/menu.cpp, src/toolbar.cpp: Made several changes to
	support the shown / hidden behavior.	
	* src/video_grabber.cpp: Fixed bug: The preview button is sensitive
	again if the user is not in a call when the grabber is started.
	* src/cleaner.cpp: Added quit message in the statusbar and in the
	* src/callbacks.cpp: Made several changes to support the shown 
	/ hidden behavior. Made the about box size smalled. Added test to
	prevent that several threads cleaner are running at the same time.
2001-11-03  Damien Sandras  <dsandras seconix com>

	* src/common.h, src/config.cpp, src/preferences, 
	src/main_interfaces.cpp: Added support for the show_quickbar 
	widgets and options (to show or hide it). Fixed bug: Formerly, when 
	the user choosed to not show the main_notebook, it was shown, 
	then hidden. Now, it is hidden since the beginning. 

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