Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] sdl fullscreen code and stuttering audio

Julien PUYDT wrote:
> thomas schorpp a écrit :
>> guys, sdl fullscreen isnt working ok anyway even with the primary
>> target (linux) build cause someone has forgotten to sync video to the
>> (stuttering) audio.
> Could you post a nice bug report ?

maybe it is no bug on a 4GHz dualcore P4 or RISC which is fast enough...

> The stuttering audio in fullscreen may be due to a taxed box :-/

"taxed box" ? whats that supposed to mean?

> Snark

i had a talk with TheBonsai at last weekend on IRC about this.
the video refresh method takes far too long time, it isnt inlined e.g, 
and the mutex locks stops all threads (+audio) on video refresh.

he said he is working on it. i suggested looking in the videolan code 
for design help.


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