Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Abnormal call termination -- Call unanswered

> No, it is a cone NAT, it is apparently just very busy.

I tried it again with my computer as the only computer using the router,
with no applications running on my computer other than Ekiga, and got
the same result.   I tried another port range and got the same result. 
I think something else is going on.

If the two computers attempting to chat are A and B, why does A have to
connect to B and B connect to A.  If A connects to B, but B can't
connect to A, shouldn't that be sufficient for bidirectional RTP?

Anything else I can try to get to the bottom of this?  The router I'm
using ( SMC Barricade 7004AWBR ) is a fairly popular one.



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