Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Debian Packages for Ekiga 2.0.2

The last version I can install using apt-get a couple of days old (May 25 - or somethin) - at least this is a version with the nonfunctional German locale. (defaults to English)

What's up?

/me is having a sheer lack of time and thus it took me a while to get
everything polished and fixed just like i love to have it. =)
Everything should be back to normal as of tonight (eventually sarge cvs
snaps and win32 will remain for the weekend - we'll see)

I think I have found the problem with the missing tranlations - it is caused by the recent change from the ALL_LINGUAS variable to the po/LINGUAS file.

Patch attached.

@Kilian: can you try the patch and submit it upstream, if successfull?

--- configure.in_orig	2006-06-29 07:59:40.000000000 +0200
+++	2006-06-29 09:10:08.000000000 +0200
@@ -527,7 +527,8 @@
 dnl  Support for internationalization
 dnl ########################################################################
-ALL_LINGUAS="`grep -v '^#' "$srcdir/po/LINGUAS"`"
+# ALL_LINGUAS="`grep -v '^#' "$srcdir/po/LINGUAS"`"
+ALL_LINGUAS="`sed -ne '/\#.*/ d; H; $ {x; s/^\\n//g; s/\\n/ /g; p}' "$srcdir/po/LINGUAS"`"

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