[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Re: New OPAL/PWLib/OpenH323 branches and releases

Craig Southeren wrote:

  This is the current state of play

- The "Phobos" branch tag has been added to the OPAL and PWLib modules,
and this branch now identifies itself as version Opal 2.1.3 and PWLib
1.9.3. This branch will become the stable code for the upcoming EKiga
release and will eventually become Opal version 2.2 and PWLib 1.10. I
have already backported several patches from CVS head into this branch,
but there are several blocks of code that won't be backported at this
stage - noticeably the new AEC rearrangement from Simon Horne and the
RTP aggregation code I have been working on.

- The CVS head of OPAL and PWLib now identifies itself as Opal 2.3.0 and
PWLib 1.11.0. This is in keeping with the previously identified system
of using even numbers for stable releases and odd numbers for
development releases. This development stream is now called "Deimos"

- The "Atlas" branch tag has now been added to the OpenH323 module, and
this branch now identifies itself as OpenH323 1.17.4. This branch will
become a new stable code stream that will eventually be released as
version 1.18. This stream of OpenH323 will need to be used with the
Phobos stream of PWLib - sorry but I can't think of any way around this.

- The CVS head of OpenH323 now identifies itself as OpenH323 1.19.0

  So, in summary:

- if you want stable OPAL code, use the Phobos branch of OPAL and PWLib

- if you want stable OpenH323 code, use the Atlas branch of OpenH323,
and Phobos branch of PWLib

- if you want development code, use the CVS head (as usual)

Are the seconix and voxgratia snapshots going to be Phobos,
Deimos, or both?


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