Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] win32 build issues

Hi Kilian,
Ekiga for Win32 runs better than ever. I still produce my own build. And there 
are some differences in our Makefile s.
The only important ones are
1) I cannot make speex with concurrency=2 since the test programs cannot find 
their lib yet. So just plain $(MAKEOPTS).
2) For SDL I have to
cd bin; ln -sf i386-mingw32msvc-sdl-config sdl-config
otherwise the config is not found. And I have to force the final linking to 
use the static SDL lib:
sed -i -e 's#^libdir=.*$$#libdir=$(BUILDROOT)/lib#g' -e 's#libSDL.dll.a##' 
3) My windres stuff one one line:
echo '101 ICON DISCARDABLE "ico/ekiga.ico"' | $(WINDRES) -o 
I attach my ekiga_build.tgz for refence and because ekiga_pkgconfig.patch had 
to changed this morning.

Attachment: ekiga_build.tgz
Description: application/tgz

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