[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Doxygen documentation support [2]

  Resending, as the first mail got caught by list admin at gnome servers.


  I have been working a bit on adding doxygen support to Ekiga, so we
  can generate useful and easily browseable docs for every developer,
  contributor, or people that want to take a look at how Ekiga works.

  How: after applying the patch, you will need to run 
  $ ./autogen.sh --enable-doxygen
  $ doxygen
  [or $ make, if you want to build binary stuff too]

  Then, you will have a api/ dir that will contain documentation. It
  will start in api/html/index.html
  For now, I have converted only ekiga.h, sip.h, h323.h and
  accountshandler.h. One of the things I still need to fix there is
  functions that don't declare a parameter name in the .h file. Though
  this is not required in C++ it will make comments and doxygen
  generated documentation much more useful.

  I would like that people start adding doxygen aware documentation to
  the bits they code. It is really easy, as you can see in the files I
  have adapted, though at the same time is a powerful tool (see

  In my opinion, two sets of docs should be generated and put online,
  linked from http://www.ekiga.org, one for the stable releases (2.0.x)
  and the other for the "devel" branch (2.x)


Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
   jsogo debian org

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