Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] how a newbie got gm cvs up - almost

Hi Sean,

> 3. build and install libdc1394 first. I couldn't get it to 
> build until I changed CLK_TCK in grab_partial_image.c to

well, have you also tried to use DC afterwards? Or is this just a plain
hack to get it compile ok?

> 4. Build and install pwlib next. opal depends on it. The 
> pwlib spec file just requires pwlib >= 1.8.3. Not so. You'll 
> need a newer one. Johnny Strom has the latest from cvs. I 
> used that.

Uhm, how so? PWLib *must not* build-depend on itself. And especially not
on its own older version!

> 5. Now build and install opal. It's obvious to others, but I 
> only figured it out from trolling the list, opal = new 
> version of openh323. I don't know if both can co-exist, but 
> I removed openh323-1.15.

They should be able to coexist safely. Especially with GMCVS and GM2CVS
both installed that's mandantory. ;)

> Now I have gnomemeeting-snapshot running. All seems OK, but 
> the PC-to-phone dialog is broken.
> I can bring up the dialog Tools->PC-To-Phone Account
> I get PC-To-Phone Settings.  I click on the "Get a 
> GnomeMeeting PC-To-Phone account"
> Nada. Nothing.  Am I supposed to get an email at my 
> Preferences address? Is a web page supposed to open up? Is 
> there some url I should follow?

There's a webpage supposed to fire up. Are you sure your gnomevfs is
working ok? Can you open URLs from other apps in
Mozilla/your_favourite_webbrowser? Like clicking in gnome-terminal onto would bring you there?

> Also, Edit->Preferences->Codecs-> Audio Codecs shows 
> nothing. Do I need to install something? Did I miscompile?

All these codecs are supposed to come with OPAL in case of GnomeMeeting
1.9.x and with OpenH323 for GnomeMeeting 1.3.x.

> You all should be congratulated on a great program.

Thanks! ;)

Best regards,

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