Re: Fwd: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] incoming calls problematic

Le jeudi 15 décembre 2005 à 13:59 +0100, Alexander Schrab a écrit :
> Yeah, since I am behind NAT I kinda did that. I even made my computer
> DMZ to be sure all ports are forwared. I tried disabling the iblc now,
> but it didn't fix it. Same thing.

Then I don't know, sorry :(

What I can tell is :
- I wouldn't use IP Translation, but it is up to you
- The fact that you can receive sound, but not send sound indicates it
is not a NAT problem
- You are sending audio correctly 
- The log contains no error

In 99% of the cases, problems when transmitting audio indicate a
problem :
- on the remote side
- or most often a microphone or sound setup problem

Try disabling echo cancellation, and silence suppression, perhaps the
echo cancellation is working too well if you are in the same room.
 _      Damien Sandras
//\     GnomeMeeting:
v_/_    FOSDEM 2006 :
        SIP Phone   : sip:dsandras gnomemeeting net 
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