[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Re: gnomemeeting without GNOME

You can compile with --disable-gnome but you need to use CVS.

It is not as well tested as the GNOME version, so take it as
experimental and report bugs.

It will only require GTK+, openh323, pwlib and openldap. The address
book will be non functional.


Le mar 12/10/2004 à 16:03, Giacomo Lozito a écrit :
> Greetings,
> I would like to ask a simple question.
> Is it possible to compile GnomeMeeting without any GNOME component installed? 
> (that means just GTK... without gconf, libgnome, libgnomeui... )
> In the FAQ I read that those components are optional in latest versions, but 
> unfortunately I wasn't able to compile GnomeMeeting without them.
> Regards,
> Giacomo Lozito
 _      Damien Sandras
(o-     GnomeMeeting: http://www.gnomemeeting.org/
//\     FOSDEM 2003:  http://www.fosdem.org
v_/_    H.323 phone:  callto://ils.seconix.com/dsandras seconix com

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