Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Problems with openmcu and gnomemeeting-1.0

Le 5/3/2004, "David Ronis" <ronis ronispc chem mcgill ca> a écrit:

>I'm not sure this is really a gnomemeeting issue, but thought I'd post
>it here, just to be sure.

We'll see :)

>1.  Broken accessibility modules leading to memory corruption and a

Yes that is very weird, should probably be reported to the accessibility

>2.  I built and installed with --prefix=/usr/local (i.e., the
>default).  It turns out that gnomemeeting.server is, no surprise,
>installed in the /usr/local subtree; however, by default, slackware's
>gnome doesn't look for it there.  Not finding the file breaks the -c
>command-line option (a new gnomemeeting is started even if there is
>already one running).  Running
>		 /usr/sbin/bonobo-activation-sysconf
>	    --add-directory=/usr/local/lib/bonobo/servers
>fixes the problem.

Indeed, the FAQ tells to build with /usr as prefix as it is the prefix
for all major distributions.

>OK, now back to the openmcu problem.  I built version 1.1.7.  It runs,
>albeit with occasional crashes, and sort of works.  However, when
>anybody types in the text-message window, I or the other people
>connected don't see anything.  My understanding is that we should all
>see the mcu repeating the message.  I've built a debugging version of
>openmcu and ran with -t -t -t.  The log shows nothing related to any
>of the text being typed.

That is an unimplemented feature of the MCU, however, it should be able
to forward text chat messages to all participants, but you will be
unable to know who it comes from. It will always appear as coming from
the MCU server.
If you want this to work, then the UserInputString capabilities must be

>Another openmcu/gnomemeeting problem is related to making gnomemeeting
>an icon; popping down gnomemeeting causes openmcu to crash.

I don't understand what you mean. Minimizing / maximizing GnomeMeeting
would cause the MCU to crash? That is certainly unrelated.

Anyway, all MCU problems should go to openh323 openh323 org .

>Lastly, a feature-request.  I'd like to be able to choose a custom
>font for gnomemeeting, without changing that for the entire desktop.
>If this is not yet possible, and if not, it shouldn't be too hard to

Do you mean the text chat font or the whole gnomemeeting font?
The first one is possible, but is it useful?
The second one is not really possible.

>In any event, problems aside, this is great software.
>Gnomemeeting-devel-list mailing list
>Gnomemeeting-devel-list gnome org

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