[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] about the distributes video

Hi All,
we have been always using OpenMCU in a centralized conference, which processes or mixes Audio,Video and Data from termianls, then distributes them to the corresponding terminals. Now I need a MCU with the capability of Centralized Audio and Distributed Video. I failed to modify the code of OpenMCU to realize it. I read the code of openMCU following:
BOOL MyH323Connection::OpenVideoChannel(BOOL isEncoding,
                                       H323VideoCodec & codec)
   PStringStream codecName;
   codecName << codec;

   PWaitAndSignal mutex(videoMutex);

if (isEncoding) { if (outgoingVideo == NULL) { outgoingVideo = new OutgoingVideo(ep, *this, ep.videoFramesPS, ep.videoLarge);
//       outgoingVideo->SetFrameSize(352>>1,288>>1);

/*At last. Modularity. The video codec is told the parameters of video compresion/decompression. The only thing the video codec knows about the ouside world is how to acquire/render data, which
	      is via the video channel, provided by the OutgoingVideo class.
The codec does provide a second interface, through which ethernet packets enter (or leave) */
videoTransmitCodecName = codecName;
   } else {
if (incomingVideo == NULL) incomingVideo = new IncomingVideo(ep, *this);
       videoReceiveCodecName = codecName;
return TRUE;
I known "codec.AttachChannel(outgoingVideo,FALSE);" is encode the video ,and "codec.AttachChannel(incomingVideo,FALSE);" is decode the video, how I can receive video and not decode video or encode video by itself ? Finally send the video to all the endpoints?

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