Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] GnomeMeeting on 2.6

Le 30/1/2004, "Kilian Krause" <kk verfaction de> a écrit:

>Hi Damien,
>Am Fr, den 30.01.2004 schrieb Damien Sandras um 11:41:
>> Who is using the 2.6 kernel and is ready to test the latest changes with
>> it?
>> Craig, given the fact that many packagers will compile on 2.4, what is
>> your suggestion?
>> I tried on the 2.4 kernel to force the P_HAS_SEMAPHORES to 0 and I have a
>> bad sound quality when compiling, which I had not with P_HAS_SEMAPHORES
>> set to 1.
>as i've explained following my own tests:
>- sound in 2.4 under load is going noisy and bad
>- sound under 2.6 is having just digital artefact *SOMETIMES* with
>SEMAPHORES=1 and also only fixed *SOMETIMES* with SEMAPHORES=0
>so this is nothing you can rely on it seems.. I'm still wondering if
>this is not rather an issue in the ALSA itself when running under LOAD
>and the SEMAPHORES cope fine with any ALSA (but that itself does get
>problems with LOAD for *RECORDING*)

I have the same problems of slowness when compiling on 2.6 for video. So
it is not ALSA...

>What i haven't tried yet is how playback on a loaded 2.6 does sound like
>when being feeded with a fine and idle running 2.4/2.6 source. Has
>anybody tried this?
>I think it would largely help to get an insight on where the artefacts
>come from (recording, playback or both)...
>Best regards,
> Kilian

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