Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Muti-camera on gnomemeeting

On jeu, 2004-01-15 at 11:36, aymui hamazaki wrote:
> Hi PUYDT Julien,
>    Yes,you're right.I wonder whether we need to
> improve the source code of gnomemeeting,or we just
> need to install some mature software to achieve
> this.Would you feel free to teach me if you have any
> idea?

gnomemeeting takes its video "devices" from plugins (or at least, the
cvs&upcoming version). If you write a that takes several video input
plugins' output, mixes them, and presents itself as a video input, then
gnomemeeting will use it without any problem (and any modification).

To make a long story short:
* don't modify gnomemeeting;
* don't modify the pwlib;
* just create your own plugin;

Snark on #gnomemeeting

PS: in fact, the plugin system was designed to be able to support exotic
types of input device without any headache.

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