Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] the ffmpeg's problem,help!

That's because you are behind NAT and misconfigured, or because the
netmeeting client doesn't send data.

You can disable the "autodisconnect option on no receive data" in the
Call Options preferences.

Le mar, 27/04/2004 à 14:59 +0800, chentob gcc a écrit :
> Hi,Damien 
>    First,thank for your help . I have spent much time to add 263 video 
> coding in GM, but there was a lot of problems in using ffmpeg (vich263 is 
> suceed). I put a ffmpeg patch in openh323 with the rfc1920.So It can use 
> ohphone connect with netmeeting by the 263. But when I put ffmpeg's 263 
> capability in the GM to connect with netmeeting, the video can't send. I 
> put a log file for you.could you help me?
>   I found the log file there is "gnomemeeting	H323	Call end reason for 
> ip$ set to EndedByLocalUser ", how to look at the 
> log info,it is seem to not same as openh323's log file? I can't found "Call 
> end reason for ..." sentences in gnomemeeting. what problems? thanks!
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