Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] development

Am Die, 2003-06-24 um 14.04 schrieb Damien Sandras:
> Actually we plan to follow another roadmap than Microsoft. I'm nearly
> 95% convinced it is not the way to go.
> For example, our goal is not to follow Microsoft or to follow
> proprietary protocols, and we don't plan to integrate messenging
> capabilities in GnomeMeeting either.
> We want to follow the old Unix moto: "do few things, but do them well",
> ie no bloat.

I can 100 % agree with this statement. Unix/Linux display that it is
very successful.

> Our long-term plans are thus to follow VOIP standards (H.323 and later
> SIP which *could* add compatibility with Messenger if there are common
> codecs) and to turn GnomeMeeting in a full-featured and complete VOIP/IP
> Telephony and videoconferencing professional application. I prefer to
> have a full-featured VOIP application than an instant messenger with a
> few (and limited) videoconferencing features...
> Feel free to contribute, all, your comments about this opinion. I'm sure
> everyone will disagree, but seeing other point of views is interesting.

As I've already mentioned above I think it is more important to have a
full-featured audio/video-conferencing application than an allround
application. Those applications concentrate on too many aspects and are
- at least in most cases - worse than applications which concentrate on
one function.

Matthias Redlich <m-redlich t-online de>

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