[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] 0.98 :)

Here is the release news. I'm pretty sure that I have forgotten features
and/or people, please read it and mail me if you think I've forgotten
things. I think it is important to tell about features in the news that
will be posted on all news websites I know ;)

GnomeMeeting 0.98.1 aka the "Buddha Matreya release" is available!
Damien Sandras
After several months of development and 1 week before the birthday of
the first\ official release of GnomeMeeting, GnomeMeeting 0.98 is
<b>GnomeMeeting 0.98.1</b> can be downloaded today at the <a
target=_new>usual location</a>. This is a \major release with many
changes and enhancements, and it should be the last rel\ease before we
reach the 1.0 cycle.
<b>H.323 enhancements include: </b><p><ul type=bullet><li><b>Call hold
support<\/b>: calls can be hold and retrieved later,<li><b>Call transfer
support</b>: yo\u can transfer any running call to another
user,<li><b>New h323 URL support</b>\: (RFC3508), callto URLs are still
supported<li><b>URL support in call forwardi\ng</b> (h323: and callto:)
for incoming calls,<li>Possibility to specify the UD\P ports used when
registering to gatekeepers<li>Improved messages when a call
e\nds,<li>Improved gatekeeper registration error messages<li><b>Full
IPv6 support\</b> (thanks to S&eacute;bastion Josset),<li>Support for
the GNU Gatekeeper NAT\ penetration technique (permits you to penetrate
NAT as long as you register to\ a public non-natted GNU GK - Thanks to
Chih-Weih Huang)</ul></p>
<b>General enhancements include: </b><p><ul
type=bullet><li><b>Redesigned addre\ssbook</b> with new menus and
drag-and-drop, now also supports special chars<li\><b>Speed dials
support</b>: you can associate any number shortcut to callto: a\nd h323:
URLs for your contacts (e.g.: if speed dial 1 is h323:microsoft.com,
d\ialing 1# will dial h323:microsoft.com)<li><b>Improved ILS
browser</b><li><b>Im\proved ILS server</b>, faster and more reliable
(thanks to Paul)<li>Experimenta\l AVC and DC <b>Firewire support</b>
(thanks to Georgi Georgiev and Bob Mroczka\)<li><b>New calls
history</b>: given, unanswered and received calls are now lis\ted in the
calls history, you can then call back users or drag-and-drop them in\to
one of the groups of your addressbook<li><b>Improved preferences
dialog</b> \with a better organization of the options<li>Dialogs are now
HIG compliant<li>N\ew option to automatically clear the text
chat<li>Debug output contains timesta\mps and is going in a file<li>New
smileys<li>New icons (thanks to Jakub Steiner\)<li>Many internal code
changes to prepare GnomeMeeting to 1.00</ul></p>
<b>Fully updated translations: </b><p><ul type=bullet><li>zh_TW by
Chung-Yen Ch\ang<li>sv.po by Christian Rose<li>nl.po by Huib
Kleinhout<li>it.po by Alessio D\essi<li>fr.po by Fabrice
Alphonso<li>de.po by Stefan Brüns</ul></p>
I would like to thanks the translators and all people having tested
GnomeMeetin\g a lot in order to permit a quality release (Kilian Krause,
Johnny Ström, Fabr\ice Alphonso, Matt Marsh and Alexandre Aractingi).
Sorry for those of you I for\got, I have tried to thank for the biggest
contributions, but I'm sure to have \forgotten people...
Please report <b>all</b> bugs that you could encounter with this
release, that \is the only way you can help the project to improve.
Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com>

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